Archives de catégorie : La Silicon Valley et l’Europe

Y a-t-il une recette pour l’entrepreneuriat?

Les étudiants de l’Ecole Hôteliere de Lausanne qui ont un goût naturel pour la gastronomie m’ont posé la question récemment. Je me suis inspiré de Paul Graham et de Steve Jobs pour en fournir les ingrédients. Le texte en anglais est disponible en pdf. Voici la réponse (en anglais également) …


Is there a recipe for entrepreneurship?

“Launching a start-up is not a rational act. Success only comes from those who are foolish enough to think unreasonably. Entrepreneurs need to stretch themselves beyond convention and constraint to reach something extraordinary.” Vinod Khosla, founder of Sun Microsystems

Europe is aware that it is not as efficient with entrepreneurship as the USA, and Silicon Valley is the extreme illustration of the American model. Google, Yahoo, Apple, Cisco, Oracle, Intel are only a few examples. What are ours? What did we do wrong? My answer is that we have not bet on passionate individuals ready to take risks and face uncertainty: young people who may fail but will learn from their mistakes.

If you are not convinced or surprised with the argument, let me quote some Silicon Valley icons. Steve Jobs said about Silicon Valley success: “There are two or three reasons. You have to go back a little in history. I mean this is where the beatnik happened in San Francisco. It is a pretty interesting thing…You’ve also had Stanford and Berkeley, two awesome universities drawing smart people from all over the world and depositing them in this clean, sunny, nice place where there’s a whole bunch of other smart people and pretty good food. And at times a lot of drugs and all of that. So they stayed… I think it’s just a very unique place.”

The main investor in Apple, Steve Jobs’ company, Don Valentine adds: “Founders are genetically impossible by choice. There were only two true visionaries in the history of Silicon Valley. Steve Jobs and Bob Noyce [Intel’s founder]. Their vision was to build great companies… Steve was twenty, un-degreed, some people said unwashed, and he looked like Ho Chi Min. But he was a bright person… Phenomenal achievement done by somebody in his very early twenties… Bob was one of those people who could maintain perspective because he was inordinately bright. Steve could not. He was very, very passionate, highly competitive.” By the way, Bob Noyce mentored Steve Jobs.

Let me add one more quote by another investor, Tom Perkins: “The difference is in psychology: everybody in Silicon Valley knows somebody that is doing very well in high-tech start-ups; so they say to themselves “I am smarter than Joe. If he could make millions, I can make a billion”. So they do and they think they will succeed and by thinking they can succeed, they have a good shot at succeeding. That psychology does not exist so much elsewhere,”

Quotes may not be any proof, but consider the age of the Silicon Valley entrepreneurs: Steve Jobs was 21, the Google founders were 25, the eBay founder was 28, and the Yahoo founders were 27 and 29. Do not think this is linked to the Internet. Mister Hewlett and Packard were 26 and 27 in 1939 when they founded HP. Founders often come also as a team of two; many are foreigners, immigrants who have something to prove, “hungry people”.

But if we would try to find a recipe, a recipe that Europe could use to bake fresh Entrepreneurs for their economies, what would it be? Paul Graham, an entrepreneur whose blog,, is a must-read, has his strange advice: two main ingredients are needed, rich people and “nerds”. In my recent book, “start-up”, I use his advice for my very own recipe:

– Take rich people and nerds.

– Do not add any bureaucracy, do not add concrete.

– In order to attract and keep enough nerds/cooks in a place, there is a need for a large and nice plate.

A university is a good choice, it needs personality, and it needs to be creative. Not only on its campus, but also in its surroundings, so that the ingredients feel comfortable in the plate.

– The ingredients should be fresh, i.e. they should be young and dynamic.

Graham also mentions liberal environments, which, he claims, tolerate strange and brilliant individuals. [Read again what Jobs said above about SV].

– Then the ingredients have to be put in the oven for a very long time.

Silicon Valley began in 1957. It took ten years, even twenty years, to make this region successful; it is about the time it takes to grow infants into adults.

– The oven should not be too hot, so that the desire is not killed, then the temperature should be increased to maintain the enthusiasm.

A temperate, pleasant climate is therefore necessary.

If all the conditions are in place, the result will probably be interesting.

Lausanne has many assets to become such a place. Lausanne has EPFL, Unil, EHL, IMD. It has rich people. It has a nice climate and nice food, a rich cultural environment. So what we “just” need is the desire to try. Of course, ideas and projects have to be well managed. But first and foremost, we need young people, not afraid of being ambitious. As a final word, I think we should also take more inspiration from Silicon Valley. First, visit the place and understand it better; second, invite back the Europeans who live over there and have experienced this unique culture. We have to learn from them. So you have my recipe for entrepreneurship. The recipe for success is more an Art than a Science and listen again to what Steve Jobs said in 2005 at the first graduate diploma ceremony he ever attended: “Stay foolish, stay hungry.”


Paul Graham and Silicon Valley

Steve Jobs at Stanford

“Start-up, what we may still learn from Silicon Valley

L’Espagne est passionée par l’Innovation

J’ai eu le plaisir d’être interviewé sur le livre Start-Up par Doris Obermair. Le texte est disponible en Espagnol et en Anglais dans le magazine If… La Revista de Innovation : Más pasión y sueños, menos infraestructura y experiencia (version anglaise)


et la video (anglais) est-elle disponible sur le site Infonomia.


Cerise sur le gâteau, je participerai le 10 juillet à la conférence Ifest pour parler à nouveau du sujet. La conférence me semble passionnante en raison de la diversité des intervenants.


Stanford et Start-Up


Quelle fierté que d’être interviewé par son Alma Mater. La School of Engineering de Stanford m’a demandé pourquoi j’ai écrit Start-Up et pour qui. Vous en trouverez les éléments sur le site de la Stanford SOE. J’essaie d’y expliquer que le livre n’est pas consacré (seulement) à cette infrastructure qui a échoué en Europe, mais (surtout) à cette nécessité d’encourager nos jeunes gens à prendre plus de risques. Un débat sur la nature et la culture que je développe longuement dans le livre.


Je ne suis pas seul à me lamenter de la faiblesse de l’Europe en ce qui concerne les start-up. Juha Ruohonen, dans son rapport VICTA (, compare la situation de la Finlande et d’Israël et il arrive à des conclusions similaires aux miennes : pas assez de start-up qui croissent, un manque d’ambition, trop de start-up qui stagnent (« lifestyle »)

La table qui suit se suffit à elle-même :


Et son analyse des problèmes est la suivante:


Enfin il tire les conclusions suivantes : il y a en Finlande un besoin

  • De créer un écosystème pour une croissance forte
  • De multiplier le nombre de sociétés compatibles avec le capital-risque
  • D’éliminer le gaspillage de ressources destinées aux start-up lifestyle
  • De fournir une plateforme viable pou un développement international rapide
  • D’augmenter l’implication des grandes entreprises et le nombre de spin-offs de ses sociétés
  • De faciliter la transformation des projets de recherche en start-up de croissance

Ceci peut être atteint

  • En passant de la quantité à la qualité
  • En se déplaçant d’une politique de projets à des structures efficaces sur le long-terme
  • En créant des structures qui permettent les succès commerciaux
  • En attirant des talents internationaux dans la communauté finlandaise.

Mon commentaire : on peut remplacer Finlande par Europe et on a sans doute la même analyse. Il ne fait aucun doute que les solutions ne sont pas simples. J’ajoute toutefois qu’un pari sur la jeunesse, la prise de risque me parait être primordial (le “Stay Foolish, Stay Hungry” de Steve Jobs, décrit dans mon post de Juillet 2007) et que l’échange international passe aussi par une découverte de ce qui se passe à l’étranger.

Les milliardaires de la technologie en 2007

Quand le magazine Forbes a publié sa liste de milliardaires, j’ai essayé d’extraire ceux qui ont bâti leur fortune grâce à des start-up high-tech. J’ai ensuite compré Europe et Etats-Unis et la table qui suit est éloquente: en Europe,seule SAP a permis la création de telles fortunes.

Rang Nom Pays Fortune ($B) Origine Age
1 Bill Gates USA 56 Microsoft 51
11 Larry Ellison USA 21.5 Oracle 62
19 Paul Allen USA 18 Microsoft 54
26 Sergey Brin USA 16.6 Google 33
26 Larry Page USA 16.6 Google 34
30 Michael Dell USA 15.8 Dell 42
31 Steven Ballmer USA 15 Microsoft 51
76 Pierre Omidyar USA 8.8 Ebay 39
116 Eric Schmidt USA 6.2 Google 51
119 Hasso Plattner Allemagne 6 SAP 63
132 Steven Jobs USA 5.7 Apple, Pixar 52
188 Jeffrey Bezos USA 4.4 Amazon 43
204 Jeffrey Skoll USA 4.2 Ebay 42
243 Gordon Moore USA 3.6 Intel 78
287 Klaus Tschira Allemagne 3 SAP 66
369 Ray Dolby USA 2.5 Dolby 74
369 David Filo USA 2.5 Yahoo 40
407 Mark Cuban USA 2.3 48
432 John Abele USA 2.2 Boston Scientific 70
432 Henry Nicholas III USA 2.2 Broadcom 47
432 Jerry Yang USA 2.2 Yahoo 38
458 Omid Kordestani USA 2.1 Google 43
458 Henry Samueli USA 2.1 Broadcom 52
538 Hans-Werner Hector Allemagne 1.9 SAP 67
538 Peter Nicholas USA 1.9 Boston Scientific 65
538 Andy Bechtolsheim USA 1.9 Sun, Google, 51
557 John Morgridge USA 1.8 Cisco 73
583 Irwin Jacobs USA 1.7 Qualcomm 73
583 Mike Lazaridis Canada 1.7 RIM (Blackberry) 46
583 Kavitark Shriram USA 1.7 Google 51
583 Theodore Waitt USA 1.7 Gateway 44
618 James Balsillie Canada 1.6 RIM (Blackberry) 46
664 Amar Bose USA 1.5 Bose 77
664 Thomas Siebel USA 1.5 Siebel Systems 54
717 David Cheriton USA 1.4 Google 55
717 Scott Cook USA 1.4 Intuit 54
717 Todd Wagner USA 1.4 46
754 Richard Egan USA 1.3 EMC Corp 71
754 Margaret Whitman USA 1.3 Ebay 50
799 David Duffield USA 1.2 Peoplesoft 66
799 Dietmar Hopp Allemagne 1.2 SAP 66
840 James Clark USA 1.1 Netscape 63
891 Weili Dai USA 1 Marvell 45
891 John Doerr USA 1 Venture capital 56
891 Arthur Rock USA 1 Venture capital 80
891 Charles Simonyi USA 1 Microsoft 59
891 Sehat Sutardja USA 1 Marvell 45
New Vinod Khosla Inde 1.5 Sun, Venture capital 52
New Michael Moritz USA 1.3 Venture capital 52