Category Archives: Start-up data

Apple Computer to acquire FontSelf?

Apple Computer should announce soon the acquisition of Lausanne-based FontSelf. In an usual move, the Cupertino-based company will acquire a stealth-mode start-up specialized in the design of fonts. It should be no surprise for those who know that the famous Helvetica font was created in Switzerland.

“Apple Computer is famous for its design and creativity so when we heard about FontSelf, we had a careful look, tested it and we were delighted. This is a great addition to our software and web applications” declared April Feel, head of Apple Computer Public Relations.

In 2005, at the commencement ceremony of Stanford University, Steve Jobs had declared “Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish”. FontSelf shows that staying young and curious is a critical need of human life.


“Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish” Steve Jobs said. Yes it was an April Fool, but FontSelf is a great and beautiful tool.

Maxlinear IPO and shareholders

Maxlinear is new technology company going public and good news, it is a semiconductor company. You will find all the info you need on the web. Xconomy most recently annouced the Maxlinear IPO: MaxLinear IPO Prices Stock Above Range at $14 a Share

So here is my usual and favorite work on such companies: its equity structure, its investment story together with the pie chart. I have done it fast so I do not promise it is out of mistakes but it gives once again a good view on how founders, investors and employees are diluted.

Tesla Motors and Paypal, a tale of two founders

Tesla Motors recently filed to go public. Behind the success story is a strange tale of founders. You should read first the Wikipedia page about Tesla. You will see that there are five founders. Because there’s been a litigation and a judge decision, it shows that defining a founder is not so easy. My definition of founders would be limited to Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning, but because their initial business angel has become the CEO, it is more complex according to the judge.

What is even more interesting is that Elon Musk, the BA and CEO, was a founder of Paypal, or more precisely of one of the two start-ups which merged to give Paypal ( and Confinity). Then he was fired or left Paypal, similarly to what Musk did to Eberhard and Tarppening. Amazing, no?

So I provide here two cap tables! The Tesla one first and the Paypal one follows. I hope you will appreciate the information and you can react about founders, investors and the sometimes sad stories behind the scene of success stories…

First the Tesla equity tables and investors. Click on the pictures to read them!

The reason why there are green cells is because the company is not public yet. So the IPO date and price per share are fictitious. I do not know how much the founders exactly have but there was apparently about 8M founders’ shares. Now the company has raised a lot of money:

Finally, here is how the share dilution occured:

Am I doing here a Freudian analysis? Whatever is the Paypal stories through the and confinity merger:

The equity table

and the investors

The beauty of all this is that behind the numbers, their complexity, there are many untold stories about founders, business angels, investors and success. React…

A123, Boston and Atlas

I just met this morning Fred Destin in the beautiful Rolex Learning Center at EPFL. We both have a passion for entrepreneurs and architecture!

Fred told me he liked my equity tables and pies (check skype, mysql, Kelkoo, Synopsys, Genentech, Adobe, or the general one.

So as a small gift to Fred who is moving to the Atlas office in Boston this summer, here is the equity case of A123 Systems, an MIT spin-off which went public last September.

I am aware the pictures are not very nice but you can enlarge them and ask me for the excel file…

The Good Old Days

Two pieces of news caught recently my attention. One is entitled Frank Quattrone, Star Banker of Technology Ventures, Talks Wistfully of the Good Old Days—Before Netscape’s IPO.

The other one is less nostalgic because of the web site name, which I quite like: You’re in Deep Chip Now.

Here is the full text captured from the site:

I will not comment this but let me come back on Quattrone. Quattrone was a star of the IPO world as you may read from this Xconomy blog. What is striking is that in the last 8 years, following the Internet bubble, there has been less venture capital, fewer IPOs. The reasons are many. But the key question remains: are we facing a major innovation crisis? After the transistor in the 60’s, the computer in the 70’s and the PC in the 80’s, the Internet and mobile communications in the 90’s, what have the 00’s given us? And what about the 10’s… I do not have any answer. What about you?

A European in Silicon Valley, Aart de Geus

Here is my fourth contribution to Créateurs, the Geneva newsletter, where I have been asked to write short articles about famous success stories. After women and high-tech entrepreneurship, Adobe and Genentech, here is Aart de Geus, founder of Synopsys.

Aart de Geus was born in the Netherlands in 1954. At the age of 4, he moved with his parents to french-speaking Switzerland and in 1978, he graduated from EPFL, the Swiss Institute of technology in Lausanne (where I currently work). He then moved again to the USA and got his PhD from the Southern Methodist University in Texas. After a few years with General Electric (GE), he founded Synopsys in 1986, raised $15M of venture-capital before Synopsys went public (in 1994). In 2008, Synopsys had 5’600 employees, $1.3B in sales and a $3B market capilalization.

According to him, « Everybody from Europe who comes to the U.S. or Canada is looking to discover something ». In his case, when he arrived to the USA, he was lucky in being assigned as a graduate student to Ron Rohrer “He took a liking to me. […] Rohrer essentially gave me the freedom to do whatever I wanted within the graduate school research facilities”. Rohrer became his mentor. He learnt how to manage a team, a know-how he changed in a management style. “everybody counts on the team and there’s always a role for everybody, which produces an ecosystem that manages itself.” He recognizes it is as much luck as destiny.

He also shows how difficult it is to predict anything: “In fact, I’ll tell you a story. In 1978 or ‘79, I attended a conference in Switzerland of leaders in the field of electronics, or microelectronics. They all agreed on 2 things. Number 1, electronics was going to be a big deal and would move forward for many years to come. Number 2, one micron was the hardest barrier that we would never move across. And [laughing again], those same people who made the predictions are the ones who made 22 nanometers happen!” and he adds: “The lesson here: whenever one predicts the end of something in high tech, there’s always a twist or new perspective that makes a new breakthrough possible.”

Aart de Geus, a born entrepreneur?

The art of metamorphosis…

Aart appreciates complexity and metamorphosis. Everything is important and everything changes. In the early days of a start-up, ideas and people matter. When you have an idea, what do you do? “First, you write a business plan. Then, you ask, is it ethical? Is it okay to do that? How do you go about planning the business so as not to go up against GE?” Well, according to Aart, “there’s a simple answer. You write a business plan and propose it to GE. After all, it was clearly their IP. Period.” GE not only backed the idea but invested in it. Money and values are essential at that stage.

But the baby has to grow. The teenager will have to develop the products, sell them to customers. This may be a tough crisis. Does Aart feel lucky to have survived? “Luck favors the well prepared,” and added that a fortuitous combination of management, graduate students, geographic location, viable business plan, and marketing expertise were augmented by having the “right technology at the right time.”

Back to EFPL in 2007.

… with the risk of becoming a dinosaur !

The adult age means processes, experienced managers so you need to survive the tornadoes that Geoffrey Moore describes so well. Aart summarizes these permanent metamorphoses through a parallel management of teams, customers, investors, products and their cycles, but also managers, leaders, implementation. All these things are interdependant and it is often underestimated. In a talk he gave to EPFL in 2007, he showed the history of Synopsys acquisitions in the form of the animal below! His sense of humour was certainly very useful. This sense of humour hides the humbleness of the individual who succeeded without giving any lesson. If there is one lesson in all this, is that you must try, be curious and flexible. Success may come.

As usual, I finish with my beloved capitalization table and charts.

Sources :
-Aart de Geus at l’EPFL (
-Peggy Aycinena (
The Aart of Analogy is alive and well at Synopsys -2001
The Aart of Analogy Revisited -2009

Next article: A Swiss in Silicon Valley

Founder without experience, lonely founder

Two recent posts address the topic of the Founder. Kevin Vogelsand describes his experience as an entrepreneur without experience On Founding a Company Fresh Out of College. Olivier Ezratty is interested in the lonely founder in the cas difficile de l’entrepreneur isolé. Both topics are important and I submit to your thoughts the following table that I had publkished in my book:

Ezratty also deals with equity sharing between founders, something I had stuided in a aborde aussi le sujet important du partage d’equity entre fondateurs que j’avais abordé dans un past post. In that post is mentioned an article I did not know by Paul Graham:
The Equity Equation.

Venture ideas

I usually do not mention my activity at EPFL in this blog, but here is an exception. This week, I organized with venturelab the 10th edition of ventureideas, a conference where we invite entrepreneurs to share their experience. All the venture ideas @ EPFL can be found with the link on the name.

This week we had Rich Riley, Senior VP, Yahoo and Paul Sevinç, founder of Doodle and their talks can be viewed below. I am very proud of these events and of all the guests we had in the past. Let me just give you a few names:
– Pierre Chappaz, founder of Kelkoo
– Eric Favre, inventor of Nespresso
– Aart de Geus, founder and CEO of Synopsys
– Daniel Rosselat, founder of Paleo
– Marc Burki, founder of Swissquote
– Neil Rimer, GP of Index Ventures…

Cisco’s A&D

For those who read my book, it will be clear there is no typo in my title. It is not R&D but really, A&D, acquisition and development. Cisco has been known to consider M&A as the best source of innovations for its future development. So I was not surprised to see that Cisco did two acquisitions recently: ScanSafe, Starent. But what is crazy with them is that between reading this and writing this post, they had done another one (which is not included in my numbers, sorry!): DVN. This gave me the impetus to look at how A&D has developed since I published Start-Up. So here are the numbers (put in parallel with the growth of its employees and sales).

or if you prefer visual info:

Final piece of info: where are the acquistions coming from? No surprise, mostly Silicon Valley:

Women and High-Tech Entrepreneurship.

Here is my third contribution to Créateurs, the Geneva newsletter, where I have been asked to write short articles about famous success stories. After Adobe and Genentech, here are some thoughts about women and high-tech entrepreneurship.

Women Entrepreneurs? Carol Bartz, Sandy Kurtzig…

… but also Ann Winblad, Catarina Fake, Kim Polese, Candice Carpenter, Mena Trott.
The list may go on but would not be much longer. Why so few women in high-tech entrepreneurship? And even worse, why are they so little known? The answer is simple: the situation is just an illustration of their position in science, in high-level positions in companies or in society more generally. A few anecdotes will show however that they have nothing to prove their male counterparts.

Sandy Kurtzig is a school dropout. She stopped the PhD program she was following at Stanford University and joined General Electric. She discovered there that computer science must help in improving manufacturing (such as in inventory management or logistics) and left again to found Ask Computer in 1972 with $2’000 from her own savings. “No venture capitalist would have given me money in the beginning. First software was seen of no value and then I was a woman.” She declined an acquisition offer from Hewlett-Packard in 1976 and in 1981 Ask Computer went public on Nasdaq. (The reader should remember that Apple had gone public in December 1980 and Logitech was founded in January 1981.) When she left Ask in 1989, the company had $189M in sales. Her advice to entrepreneurs? Believe in yourself, hire the right people and share success. Do not be afraid of making mistakes.

Carol Bartz also began her career in a big company: 3M is the inventor of the famous post-it. She heard there: “you are a woman, what are you doing here?” She left the company when he understood she would not be promoted because she was a woman. A few years later, she moved to Silicon Valley. “Even in this region, being a woman is belonging to a minority.” Her comment will not prevent her from becoming CEO of Autodesk in 1992. (Autodesk is the world leader for 3D software for architecture and mechanical design with $2B in sales in 2008.) That same year, in 1992, she was diagnosed with cancer. She will have chemotherapy while managing her company. She succeeded twice. “With private life and work, you do not have time to wonder if you are all right or not.” Work was a distraction and the leadership she showed was a strong motivation for her colleagues.

She is also fighting for the position of women in science: “I sincerely believe that women are dissuaded [from doing science]. They are told it is not important. Another female entrepreneur, Ann Winblad adds: “The daughter of a friend of mine is worried about appearing too nerdy if she invests in science. However some of the successful women – myself, Carol Bartz – all of us were math whizzes and we really had fun teenage lives as well as adult lives and have been very successful. The problem is that we need role models like Steve Jobs with this inspirational product, the iPod. Something is getting lost in the message because not many say I want to be like them.”

In January 2009, Carol Bartz became Yahoo’s CEO. The task may not be easy. Should we listen to Caratina Fake, founder of Flickr: « There is a lot of institutionalized sexism working against women in business and I think that people aren’t even aware that it’s there. » This post is unfortunately too short to celebrate women as entrepreneurs- Those who succeeded had to be exceptional and those who try also, without any doubt. The barriers entrepreneurs face are amplified for women. I will just conclude by copying the poet in saying that, in the start-up world maybe “Women are the Future of Men”.

To know more:
Carol Bartz in “Betting It All” by Michael Malone (Wiley, 2002).
Sandy Kurtzig in “In the Company of Giants” by R. Dev Jager and R. Ortiz (McGraw Hill, 1997)

Next article: A European in Silicon Valley, Aart de Geus.