About me

My name is Hervé Lebret.

If you want to learn more about me: https://www.linkedin.com/in/herve-lebret/

I had a short professional life in scientific research and here is the list of my publications on Google Scholar. My Erdős number is 3.

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12 thoughts on “About me

  1. Peter


    What a great work. So sad you had to take down your map. It was great help when I came to Paris last time. What a pity people destroy such art pieces.
    I’m very interested in your invader excel file. Could you send it to my email address?

    Best regards

  2. Antoine

    Bonjour Hervé,

    Bravo pour cette mine d’or d’informations!
    Formidable boulot.
    Je serais curieux de savoir le temps que cela a pris…
    Mais quand on aime on ne compte pas! 🙂
    Serait-il possible de récupérer les fichiers Excels auxquels vous faites référence?
    Merci beaucoup!!

    Bien cordialement

      1. Antoine

        Elles seront entre de bonnes mains avec moi,croyez moi!
        Je peux vous envoyer quelques unes de mes photos ou mon classement sur flash invaders pour vous prouver ma bonne foi ! 🙂
        Je suis un adorateur,pas un destructeur

  3. Mark Hanrahan

    I just bought you book on Kindle. Great read and really like how you dug into the cap tables. Could you send me a PDF version? I have a hard time reading the cap table/ excel charts when reading on the app.

    Cheers and thanks again for your efforts and work


  4. Ruipeng

    Dear Hervé,

    It is realy good teaching materials for new startups. Thank you so much for your efforts to do this.

    I guess some of your readers are trying to build their own companies. Currently, we are running two startup challenges: one is the Nano Startup Challenge in Cancer (www.nscsquared.org/), the other is the SPACE RACE (http://www.space-race.org/). These are good opportunities for someone who want to practice in the real world. Both of them come with inventions which are ready for licensing to the startup, as well as plenty of VCs, Entrepreneurs, and Scientists as mentors and advisors. Please visit our website for more information.

    Thanks again, Hervé.

  5. Michael R. Clarke

    Hi Herve,

    Sorry to bug you on your personal website. But I just really enjoyed your review of “The Lean Startup: How Today’s Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create Radically Successful Businesses” on good, old Amazon. I’m the author of a similar book — “How to Start a Business That Doesn’t Suck” — and thought you might like to take a look at a FREE digital copy.

    I’ll be happy to send you one as a .pdf, .epub, or .mobi — even hieroglypics, if that works — in exchange for an honest review.

    Thanks for your time. (Dig the site!)

  6. Romain GEOFFROY


    Serait-il possible svp d’avoir votre carte des SI de Londres car il m’en reste une vingtaine que je n’arrive pas à localiser !
    Et je prévois d’y aller avec ma femme et ma fille à la fin du mois. Merci d’avance,


  7. Robert Willemsen

    There is now a NEW Space Invader Mosaic Tour at the high security site of the European Space Agency, ESA ESTEC in Noordwijk, NL. The tour is mentioned on http://www.spacetoursnoordwijk.com.

    Invaders at ESA
    The French urban artist “Invader” has made over 3.700 mosaics around the world. The Space Invaders are also at ESA’s facilities in Paris, Belgium, Germany and Italy. The artworks in ESA ESTEC are not open to the public, however the NEW special 1 hour is the ONLY way to flash all 10 mosaics and score the full 480 points. At ESA ESTEC 3.000 people from 22 countries work on the European space missions with R&D, satellite testing, robotics, human spaceflight, etc.

    The special tour is run by Robert Willemsen at the European Space Agency. For info see: http://www.spacetoursnoordwijk.com

  8. Gilligan

    Is this the same uploader of the REVS document on Scribd? I wanted to reach out to you regarding the transcription on the document.


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