This may not be surprising and it has been said in the media. The GAFAs have generally benefited from the Covid crisis. So, as I was independantly doing in the recent years, I looked again at the growth of Google and Facebook as well as Tesla.
[As a reference here are past articles:
– Are GAFAs threatened? Their growth is still steady:
– Facebook Finally Files For $5B:
– Google vs. Facebook:]
And here are my udpates abour revenue, income and employee growth of Google, Facebook and Tesla:
Revenues and profits are in millions of $. What is undoubtedly the most striking is the similarity of the growths of the three actors and of course the fact that all these numbers are considerable, not to say extraordinary.
Typical of Silicon Valley startups, the growth is often above 100% in the early years decreasing to about 40% after a few years and still above 15% after 20 years. This means respectively doubling the numbers every year, every two years and every five years.